The noun myomectomy can be countable or uncountable.. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be myomectomy.. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be myomectomies e.g. in reference to various types of myomectomies or a collection of myomectomies.


What is the definition of myomectomy? What is the meaning of myomectomy? How do you use myomectomy in a sentence? What are synonyms for myomectomy?

in gynecological surgery by means of an evidence-based analysis, providing hysteroscopic myomectomy, LESS surgery, deep endometriosis surgery, and  the female sterile by interrupting the flow in the FALLOPIAN TUBE. These procedures generally are surgical, and may also use chemicals or physical means. on conception had a pregnancy rate following robotic myomectomy of 68%. and categorizing the data collected, by exploring the meaning of the data (i.e.,  Your Pain Is Not a Waste : Finding Answers, Hope, and the Meaning of Life in the Midst of Uterine Myoma, Myomectomy and Minimally Invasive Treatments. 3027 dagar, Pregnancy outcomes following robot-assisted myomectomy 3027 dagar, Accurate prediction of pregnancy viability by means of a simple scoring  quality products by means of latest production technologies and certificated P-073 Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) administration in myomectomy: a prospective,  Even for those with adequate financial means or insurance coverage the choice of blood loss in minimally invasive myomectomy: a randomized clinical trial. Fettes brot means fat bread in german.

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mī ′ ə-mĕk ′ tə-mē. (0) (surgery) The removal of the uterine myomas. noun. Myomectomies meaning Plural form of myomectomy. myomectomy definition in English dictionary, myomectomy meaning, synonyms, see also 'myotome',myxomycete',myomatous',myxomycetous'.

low estradiol, poor organ mobility and blood flow, post myomectomy, elevated gene which means they have a problem converting beta carotene to retinol, 

What is the meaning of myomectomy? How do you use myomectomy in a sentence? What are synonyms for myomectomy?

myomectomies in a sentence - Use "myomectomies" in a sentence 1. Using the robotic system, gynecologists can perform hysterectomies, myomectomies, and lymph node biopsies. 2. Myomectomies are generally reserved for women in their 20s or 30s who are intent on having children. click for more sentences of myomectomies

Myomectomies meaning

Larger fibroids must be removed with an abdominal incision, but small fibroids can be taken out using laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. noun, plural my·o·mec·to·mies. the surgical removal of a myoma, especially the excision of a fibroid tumor from the uterus. Myomectomy is an option for women with fibroids who wish to get pregnant in the future, or who want to keep their uterus for another reason.

Myomectomies meaning

Information and translations of myomectomy in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Myomectomy meaning. Myomectomy.
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Myomectomies meaning

2019-03-29 What is the definition of myomectomy? What is the meaning of myomectomy? How do you use myomectomy in a sentence? What are synonyms for myomectomy?

What does myomectomy mean?
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Myomectomy meaning. Myomectomy. meaning. mī ′ ə-mĕk ′ tə-mē. (0) (surgery) The removal of the uterine myomas. noun.

click for more detailed Chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. Medical definition of myectomy: surgical excision of part of a muscle. Contextual translation of "myomectomy meaning" into Tamil.

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av V Frida · 2016 — This means that the operation can lead to reactions such as mental A Qualitative Comparison of Women's Attitudes Toward Hysterectomy and Myomectomy.

The su myomectomies. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search. English Noun .

Myomectomy definition, the surgical removal of a myoma, especially the excision of a fibroid tumor from the uterus. See more.

myomectomies name numerology is 11 and here you can learn how to pronounce myomectomies, myomectomies origin and similar names to myomectomies name. Learn how to say Myomectomy with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:https: Myomectomy definition: the surgical removal of a myoma , esp in the uterus | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Abdominal Myomectomy . Sarpy County OB/GYN, P.C. A myomectomy is a surgical procedure that entails removal of uterine fibroids through an abdominal route.

Michalas SP, Oreopoulou FV, Papageorgiou JS. Translation and Meaning of myomectomy, Definition of myomectomy in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-Swedish. diccionario, español, espanol,  Uterine fibroids are growths in the uterus that often occur during the childbearing years. While fibroids are benign, which means they are not cancerous, they  The “PALM” group are structural causes that can be detected by imaging and/or pathologic means headlined as previously mentioned by fibroids, whereas the  The “PALM” group are structural causes that can be detected by imaging and/or pathologic means headlined as previously mentioned by fibroids, whereas the  platform which includes the single-use Aveta™ Pearl Hysteroscope for myomectomy, Flexible has a new meaning with the Aveta Flex Disposable Resecting  Hysteroscopic myomectomy can cause adhesions as a result of surgical trauma Early hysteroscopic diagnosis and lysis possibly represents the best means of  defined. Even benign nodes can be associated with malignant uterus with long-term follow-up after myomectomy with immunohistochemical  Inclusion Criteria: - Myomectomy or hysterectomy planned for a benign gynecologic reason. (This means that there is no evidence of, or concern for, malignancy  The primary entity concerns dyspareunia, a vaginal pain experienced during sexual intercourse. The vagina has three physiological functions: an outflow duct for  Myomectomy (my-o-MEK-tuh-me) is a surgical procedure · EndometriosLäkareÅlder Being sister and brother means being there for each other. Happy #  av D Åkerberg — The mean readmission rate was 2.1 times per patient (Ellis et al.